- Update: The CCIE Data Center Technology Lab Workbook is now available here After a long and highly anticipated wait, INE’s CCIE Data Center Workbook and Rack Rentals are (almost;)) finally here!
- The CCIE Security v6.0 Learning Path consolidates all of INE’s relevant courses into one location, providing a step by step process to efficiently study for your exams. The series covers all the basic and advanced v6 blueprint technologies, as well as other necessary topics such as hardware platforms, software features, and more.
Loading and Saving Device Configs
After many months of development, INE is happy to announce that our CCIE Data Center Technology Lab Workbook is now available! The initial release of the workbook contains over 100 hands-on lab scenarios that walk you through the technologies used in Cisco’s modern Data Center architecture.
When you load a saved configuration into the UCS, you must change the interfaces in use to match the Data Center rack you are using; our automation cannot make this modification for you. You will find the necessary configuration changes in the reminder email you receive before your rack session.
Before saving any configuration, make sure that all of your devices are at the command prompt or a login prompt.
Connecting to NX-OS Devices CLI
When your session begins, find your login information on the Rack Rentals page as shown above. Open your terminal software, such as PuTTY, SecureCRT, etc., and telnet to dc.ine.com. Log in with the provided username and password.
Choose the device that you want to connect to, such as N7K1, and log in with the username cisco and password cisco.
Certain commands, such as erasing and reloading the device or editing the management IP address, are purposely restricted to allow the automation system to function properly.
Using the Rack Control Panel
The Rack Control Panel allows you to access the remote desktops of the virtual machines and to save the configs for the Cisco devices. To access the control panel during your active rack session, click Rack Rentals on the Members site (or go directly to rentals.ine.com), find your session in the Current Sessions tab, and then click the Control Panel button.
Connecting to Virtual Machines
Each rack session is assigned access to certain virtual machines, based on your rack number assignment. To access the virtual machines:
- Go to the Rack Control Panel on the Rentals site.
- Click the Remote Desktop Access tab to see a list of available virtual machines below. If this page asks you for a username and password, use your rack username and password, e.g. username dcrack1 password abcdef.
- Click the icon for the VM that you want to access, and the remote desktop will automatically open in another window. The remote desktop's resolution automatically resizes to your browser window size, so if you simply refresh this page the resolution will update to the browser size.
Connecting to UCS Blade ESXi Instances
When it becomes necessary to connect to the UCS blade ESXi (or Windows-BareMetal) instances, follow the directions in the task to connect to them, using the VMWare Infrastructure Client provided (preinstalled on any of the Windows VM desktops). The IP addresses for the UCS blade ESXi and Windows Win2k8R2 bare metal instances are:
- ESXi1:
- ESXi2:
- Win2k8-BM:
The username and password for all ESXi instances are root and cciedc01.
The username and password for the Win2k8R2 instance is Administrator and cciedc01 or Cciedc01.
Loading and Saving Device Configs
When you load a saved configuration into the UCS, you must change the interfaces in use to match the Data Center rack you are using; our automation cannot make this modification for you. You will find the necessary configuration changes in the reminder email you receive before your rack session.
Before saving any configuration, make sure that all of your devices are at the command prompt or a login prompt.
Connecting to NX-OS Devices CLI
When your session begins, find your login information on the Rack Rentals page as shown above. Open your terminal software, such as PuTTY, SecureCRT, etc., and telnet to dc.ine.com. Log in with the provided username and password.
Choose the device that you want to connect to, such as N7K1, and log in with the username cisco and password cisco.
Certain commands, such as erasing and reloading the device or editing the management IP address, are purposely restricted to allow the automation system to function properly.
Using the Rack Control Panel
The Rack Control Panel allows you to access the remote desktops of the virtual machines and to save the configs for the Cisco devices. To access the control panel during your active rack session, click Rack Rentals on the Members site (or go directly to rentals.ine.com), find your session in the Current Sessions tab, and then click the Control Panel button.
Connecting to Virtual Machines
Each rack session is assigned access to certain virtual machines, based on your rack number assignment. To access the virtual machines:
- Go to the Rack Control Panel on the Rentals site.
- Click the Remote Desktop Access tab to see a list of available virtual machines below. If this page asks you for a username and password, use your rack username and password, e.g. username dcrack1 password abcdef.
- Click the icon for the VM that you want to access, and the remote desktop will automatically open in another window. The remote desktop's resolution automatically resizes to your browser window size, so if you simply refresh this page the resolution will update to the browser size.
Connecting to UCS Blade ESXi Instances
When it becomes necessary to connect to the UCS blade ESXi (or Windows-BareMetal) instances, follow the directions in the task to connect to them, using the VMWare Infrastructure Client provided (preinstalled on any of the Windows VM desktops). The IP addresses for the UCS blade ESXi and Windows Win2k8R2 bare metal instances are:
- ESXi1:
- ESXi2:
- Win2k8-BM:
Ine Ccie Data Center Workbook Pdf
The username and password for all ESXi instances are root and cciedc01.
Ine Data Center Workbook Download
The username and password for the Win2k8R2 instance is Administrator and cciedc01 or Cciedc01.